The Integrative GIM Training Programme
UK Based Training in The Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) and Music and Imagery (MI)
Levels 1 & 2: Music and Imagery (MI) for Health and Wellbeing
The Music and Imagery (MI) methods taught are those that have been developed by Lisa Summer over a period of 30 years as part of her Continuum Model of MI and GIM practice (Summer, 2015). These MI methods have been taught in the USA and the far East for many years and have a growing body of research to support their efficacy.
The methods taught are Supportive Music and Imagery (SMI) (Certificate course), which is resource-oriented; and Re-educative Music and Imagery (RMI) (Diploma course), which is issue (or problem) oriented*.
These methods are ideal for therapist’s looking to develop new ways of working and who want to be able to offer effective goal-oriented, short-term therapy.
Compared to other forms of GIM, the MI methods taught are simpler and suitable for a wider range of clientele. They can be used in individual and group work, and in work with adults and children. The methods can be helpful for depression and anxiety, relationship difficulties, school or work related stress, trauma and abuse, bereavement and many other issues.
It is possible to train in SMI alone or in both SMI and RMI.
For those who wish to undertake further training in GIM, the MI training forms the foundation. In practice SMI, RMI and GIM are integrated as part of a safe, flexible and effective approach to meeting client need. This involves different levels and types of work taking place as a client's therapeutic process unfolds.
Short article providing an overview of Music and Imagery (MI) Therapy by Ian Grundy
Entry criteria for MI and GIM training
To be qualified as a music therapist, counsellor, psychotherapist or similar.
To have a minimum of 1 year's post-qualification experience working as a therapist.
To have a sufficiently well-developed relationship with music. A formal music education is desirable but not required.
*the terminology used by Summer (2015) to describe levels of practice in MI and GIM draws on Wolberg’s (1977) classification of levels of psychotherapy - supportive, re-educative and reconstructive - the Bonny Method of GIM considered reconstructive level work.
Paik-Maier, S. (2010) 'Supportive music and imagery method', Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy, 10(3) [online]. Available at:
Paik-Maier, S. (2013) 'Music and imagery self-experience in the clinical supervision of trainees in guided imagery and music', in Bruscia, K.E. (ed.) Self-experiences in music therapy education, training, and supervision [e-book]. Gilsum, NH: Barcelona Publishers. E-ISBN : 9781937440435.
Summer, L. (2015). The Journey of GIM Training from Self-Exploration to a Continuum of Clinical Practice. In Grocke, D., & Moe, T. (Eds.). Guided Imagery & Music (GIM) and Music Imagery Methods for Individual and Group Therapy. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Wolberg, L. R. (1977). The Technique of Psychotherapy (3rd edition, part 1). New York: Grune and Stratton.
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